import gzip import os from itertools import batched from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET from grimoiressg.utils import to_relative, logger INDEX_FILE_STRATEGY_NONE = "none" INDEX_FILE_STRATEGY_AUTO = "auto" def sitemaps_default_config(): return { "file_prefix": "sitemap", "loc_prefix": "", "index_file_strategy": INDEX_FILE_STRATEGY_AUTO, "compression": False, } def get_files_to_map(data, sitemap_config): content_for_sitemap = filter( lambda item: item.get("output", False) and not item.get("skip_sitemap", False), data ) if sitemap_config["index_file_strategy"] == INDEX_FILE_STRATEGY_AUTO: # maximum number of entries is 50 000, however there is also a 50 MiB size limit # -> make 20 000 item batches - to be safe return list(batched(content_for_sitemap, 20000)) else: return [content_for_sitemap] def get_sitemap_file_suffix(sitemap_config): if sitemap_config["compression"]: return ".xml.gz" else: return ".xml" def save_sitemaps_file(xml_data, name, context, sitemap_config): xml_str = ET.tostring(xml_data, encoding='utf8') filename = os.path.realpath(context["output_dir"] + "/" + name + get_sitemap_file_suffix(sitemap_config)) logger.debug("Writing sitemap %s", to_relative(filename)) open_function = if sitemap_config["compression"] else open with open_function(filename, "wb") as file: file.write(xml_str) def generate_index_file(context, sitemap_config, number_of_batches): root = ET.Element("sitemapindex", attrib={ "xmlns:xsi": "", "xsi:schemaLocation": " " "", "xmlns": "" }) for i in range(1, number_of_batches + 1): sitemap = ET.SubElement(root, "sitemap") loc = ET.SubElement(sitemap, "loc") loc.text = sitemap_config["loc_prefix"] + sitemap_config["file_prefix"] + str(i) + get_sitemap_file_suffix( sitemap_config) save_sitemaps_file(root, sitemap_config["file_prefix"], context, sitemap_config) def generate_sitemaps_file(batch, name, context, sitemap_config): root = ET.Element("urlset", attrib={ "xmlns:xsi": "", "xsi:schemaLocation": " " "", "xmlns": "" }) for entry in batch: url = ET.SubElement(root, "url") loc = ET.SubElement(url, "loc") loc.text = sitemap_config["loc_prefix"] + entry["output"] save_sitemaps_file(root, name, context, sitemap_config) def generate_sitemaps(data, context, config): sitemaps_config = sitemaps_default_config() sitemaps_config.update(config.get('sitemaps', {})) batches = get_files_to_map(data, sitemaps_config) if len(batches) > 1:"Entry limit exceeded; generating index file...") generate_index_file(context, sitemaps_config, len(batches)) for i, batch in enumerate(batches): generate_sitemaps_file(batch, sitemaps_config["file_prefix"] + str(i + 1), context, sitemaps_config) else: generate_sitemaps_file(batches[0], sitemaps_config["file_prefix"], context, sitemaps_config)