Tidy up float module

This commit is contained in:
NicklasXYZ 2023-01-22 14:35:48 +01:00
parent 35863afec3
commit 906272e909
2 changed files with 117 additions and 58 deletions

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@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ import gleam/option
/// </a>
/// </div>
/// The ceiling function rounds a given input value $$x \in \mathbb{R}$$ towards $$+\infty$$ at a specified number of digits.
/// The ceiling function rounds a given input value $$x \in \mathbb{R}$$ to the nearest integer value (at the specified digit) that is larger than or equal to the input $$x$$.
/// Note: The ceiling function is used as an alias for the rounding function [`round`](#round) with rounding mode `"Up"`.
@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ pub fn ceiling(x: Float, digits: option.Option(Int)) -> Result(Float, String) {
/// </a>
/// </div>
/// The floor function rounds a given input value $$x \in \mathbb{R}$$ towards $$-\infty$$ at a specified number of digits.
/// The floor function rounds input $$x \in \mathbb{R}$$ to the nearest integer value (at the specified digit) that is less than or equal to the input $$x$$
/// Note: The floor function is used as an alias for the rounding function [`round`](#round) with rounding mode `"Down"`.
@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ pub fn floor(x: Float, digits: option.Option(Int)) -> Result(Float, String) {
/// </a>
/// </div>
/// The truncate function rounds a given input value $$x \in \mathbb{R}$$ towards $$0$$ at a specified number of digits.
/// The truncate function rounds a given input $$x \in \mathbb{R}$$ to the nearest integer value (at the specified digit) that is less than or equal to the absolute value of the input $$x$$.
/// Note: The truncate function is used as an alias for the rounding function [`round`](#round) with rounding mode `"ToZero"`.
@ -392,8 +392,10 @@ pub fn round(
case digits {
option.Some(a) -> {
assert Ok(p) = power(10.0, int.to_float(a))
// Round the given input x using at the specified digit
do_round(p, x, mode)
// Round the given input x using at the default digit
option.None -> do_round(1.0, x, mode)
@ -404,9 +406,9 @@ fn do_round(
mode: option.Option(String),
) -> Result(Float, String) {
case mode {
// Rounding mode choices
// Determine the rounding mode
option.Some("Nearest") ->
round_nearest(p, x)
round_to_nearest(p, x)
|> Ok
option.Some("TiesAway") ->
round_ties_away(p, x)
@ -423,9 +425,9 @@ fn do_round(
option.Some("Up") ->
round_up(p, x)
|> Ok
// Default rounding mode. The default is "Nearest"
// Otherwise, use the Default rounding mode
option.None ->
round_nearest(p, x)
round_to_nearest(p, x)
|> Ok
_ ->
"Invalid rounding mode. Valid input is 'Nearest', 'TiesAway', 'TiesUp', 'ToZero', 'Down', 'Up'."
@ -433,69 +435,65 @@ fn do_round(
fn round_nearest(p: Float, x: Float) -> Float {
fn round_to_nearest(p: Float, x: Float) -> Float {
let xabs = float.absolute_value(x) *. p
let rem = xabs -. truncate_float(xabs)
case rem {
_ if rem >. 0.5 -> sign(x) *. truncate_float(xabs +. 1.0) /. p
_ if rem == 0.5 -> {
let xabs_truncated = truncate_float(xabs)
let remainder = xabs -. xabs_truncated
case remainder {
_ if remainder >. 0.5 -> sign(x) *. truncate_float(xabs +. 1.0) /. p
_ if remainder == 0.5 -> {
assert Ok(is_even) = int.modulo(to_int(xabs), 2)
case is_even == 0 {
True -> sign(x) *. truncate_float(xabs) /. p
True -> sign(x) *. xabs_truncated /. p
False -> sign(x) *. truncate_float(xabs +. 1.0) /. p
_ -> sign(x) *. truncate_float(xabs) /. p
_ -> sign(x) *. xabs_truncated /. p
fn round_ties_away(p: Float, x: Float) -> Float {
let xabs = float.absolute_value(x) *. p
let rem = xabs -. truncate_float(xabs)
case rem {
_ if rem >=. 0.5 -> sign(x) *. truncate_float(xabs +. 1.0) /. p
let remainder = xabs -. truncate_float(xabs)
case remainder {
_ if remainder >=. 0.5 -> sign(x) *. truncate_float(xabs +. 1.0) /. p
_ -> sign(x) *. truncate_float(xabs) /. p
fn round_ties_up(p: Float, x: Float) -> Float {
let xabs = float.absolute_value(x) *. p
let rem = xabs -. truncate_float(xabs)
case rem {
_ if rem >=. 0.5 && x >=. 0.0 -> sign(x) *. truncate_float(xabs +. 1.0) /. p
_ -> sign(x) *. truncate_float(xabs) /. p
let xabs_truncated = truncate_float(xabs)
let remainder = xabs -. xabs_truncated
case remainder {
_ if remainder >=. 0.5 && x >=. 0.0 ->
sign(x) *. truncate_float(xabs +. 1.0) /. p
_ -> sign(x) *. xabs_truncated /. p
// Rounding mode: ToZero / Truncate
fn round_to_zero(p: Float, x: Float) -> Float {
truncate_float(x *. p) /. p
fn round_down(p: Float, x: Float) -> Float {
do_floor(x *. p) /. p
fn round_up(p: Float, x: Float) -> Float {
do_ceiling(x *. p) /. p
fn truncate_float(x: Float) -> Float {
if erlang {
external fn do_ceiling(Float) -> Float =
"math" "ceil"
external fn do_truncate_float(Float) -> Float =
"erlang" "trunc"
if javascript {
external fn do_ceiling(Float) -> Float =
"../floatx.mjs" "ceil"
external fn do_to_int(Float) -> Int =
"../floatx.mjs" "trunc"
if erlang {
external fn do_truncate_float(Float) -> Float =
"erlang" "trunc"
// Rounding mode: Down / Floor
fn round_down(p: Float, x: Float) -> Float {
do_floor(x *. p) /. p
if erlang {
@ -508,7 +506,56 @@ if javascript {
"../floatx.mjs" "floor"
fn to_int(x: Float) -> Int {
// Rounding mode: Up / Ceiling
fn round_up(p: Float, x: Float) -> Float {
do_ceiling(x *. p) /. p
if erlang {
external fn do_ceiling(Float) -> Float =
"math" "ceil"
if javascript {
external fn do_ceiling(Float) -> Float =
"../floatx.mjs" "ceil"
/// <div style="text-align: right;">
/// <a href="https://github.com/gleam-community/maths/issues">
/// <small>Spot a typo? Open an issue!</small>
/// </a>
/// </div>
/// The function returns the integral part of a given floating point value.
/// That is, everything after the decimal point of a given floating point value is discarded and only the integer value before the decimal point is returned.
/// <details>
/// <summary>Example</summary>
/// import gleeunit/should
/// import gleam/option
/// import gleam_community/maths/float as floatx
/// pub fn example() {
/// floatx.to_int(12.0654)
/// |> should.equal(12)
/// // Note: Making the following function call is equivalent
/// // but instead of returning a value of type 'Int' a value
/// // of type 'Float' is returned.
/// floatx.round(12.0654, option.Some(0), option.Some("ToZero"))
/// |> should.equal(Ok(12.0))
/// }
/// </details>
/// <div style="text-align: right;">
/// <a href="#">
/// <small>Back to top </small>
/// </a>
/// </div>
pub fn to_int(x: Float) -> Int {
@ -517,6 +564,11 @@ if erlang {
"erlang" "trunc"
if javascript {
external fn do_to_int(Float) -> Int =
"../floatx.mjs" "to_int"
/// <div style="text-align: right;">
/// <a href="https://github.com/gleam-community/maths/issues">
/// <small>Spot a typo? Open an issue!</small>
@ -1029,7 +1081,7 @@ if javascript {
/// import gleam_community/maths/float as floatx
/// pub fn example() {
/// floatx.exp(0.0)
/// floatx.exponential(0.0)
/// |> should.equal(1.0)
/// }
/// </details>
@ -1040,17 +1092,17 @@ if javascript {
/// </a>
/// </div>
pub fn exp(x: Float) -> Float {
pub fn exponential(x: Float) -> Float {
if erlang {
external fn do_exp(Float) -> Float =
external fn do_exponential(Float) -> Float =
"math" "exp"
if javascript {
external fn do_exp(Float) -> Float =
external fn do_exponential(Float) -> Float =
"../floatx.mjs" "exp"
@ -1553,11 +1605,8 @@ pub fn nth_root(x: Float, n: Int) -> Result(Float, String) {
/// </div>
/// A function to compute the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle: $$\sqrt[2](x^2 + y^2)$$.
/// The function can also be used to calculate the Euclidean distance in 2 dimensions.
/// Naive (unfused) and corrected (unfused) in [https://arxiv.org/pdf/1904.09481.pdf]("An Improved Algorithm for Hypot(A, B)" by Borges, C. F)
/// <details>
/// <summary>Example</summary>
@ -1853,7 +1902,7 @@ pub fn to_radian(x: Float) -> Float {
/// </a>
/// </div>
/// The min function.
/// The minimum function that takes two arguments $$x$$ and $$y$$ and returns the smallest of the two.
/// <details>
/// <summary>Example</summary>
@ -1889,7 +1938,7 @@ pub fn minimum(x: Float, y: Float) -> Float {
/// </a>
/// </div>
/// The min function.
/// The maximum function that takes two arguments $$x$$ and $$y$$ and returns the largest of the two.
/// <details>
/// <summary>Example</summary>
@ -1925,7 +1974,7 @@ pub fn maximum(x: Float, y: Float) -> Float {
/// </a>
/// </div>
/// The minmax function.
/// The minmax function that takes two arguments $$x$$ and $$y$$ and returns a tuple with the smallest value first and largest second.
/// <details>
/// <summary>Example</summary>
@ -1958,7 +2007,7 @@ pub fn minmax(x: Float, y: Float) -> #(Float, Float) {
/// </a>
/// </div>
/// The sign function which returns the sign of the input, indicating whether it is positive, negative, or zero.
/// The sign function that returns the sign of the input, indicating whether it is positive (+1), negative (-1), or zero (0).
/// <div style="text-align: right;">
/// <a href="#">
@ -2085,7 +2134,7 @@ pub fn erf(x: Float) -> Float {
// Formula 7.1.26 given in Abramowitz and Stegun.
let t = 1.0 /. { 1.0 +. p *. x }
let y =
1.0 -. { { { { a5 *. t +. a4 } *. t +. a3 } *. t +. a2 } *. t +. a1 } *. t *. exp(
1.0 -. { { { { a5 *. t +. a4 } *. t +. a3 } *. t +. a2 } *. t +. a1 } *. t *. exponential(
-1.0 *. x *. x,
sign *. y
@ -2140,7 +2189,7 @@ fn gamma_lanczos(x: Float) -> Float {
let t: Float = z +. lanczos_g +. 0.5
assert Ok(v1) = power(2.0 *. pi(), 0.5)
assert Ok(v2) = power(t, z +. 0.5)
v1 *. v2 *. exp(-1.0 *. t) *. x
v1 *. v2 *. exponential(-1.0 *. t) *. x
@ -2166,7 +2215,13 @@ pub fn incomplete_gamma(a: Float, x: Float) -> Result(Float, String) {
case a >. 0.0 && x >=. 0.0 {
True -> {
assert Ok(v) = power(x, a)
v *. exp(-1.0 *. x) *. incomplete_gamma_sum(a, x, 1.0 /. a, 0.0, 1.0)
v *. exponential(-1.0 *. x) *. incomplete_gamma_sum(
1.0 /. a,
|> Ok
@ -2247,8 +2302,6 @@ pub fn tau() -> Float {
/// Euler's number $$e \approx 2.71828\dots$$.
/// Note: If the input value $$x$$ is too large an overflow error might occur.
/// <details>
/// <summary>Example</summary>
@ -2256,6 +2309,7 @@ pub fn tau() -> Float {
/// import gleam_community/maths/float as floatx
/// pub fn example() {
/// // Test that the constant is approximately equal to 2.7128...
/// floatx.e()
/// |> floatx.is_close(2.7128, 0.0, 0.000001)
/// |> should.be_true()
@ -2269,7 +2323,7 @@ pub fn tau() -> Float {
/// </div>
pub fn e() -> Float {
/// <div style="text-align: right;">

View file

@ -209,16 +209,16 @@ pub fn float_exponential_test() {
assert Ok(tol) = floatx.power(-10.0, -6.0)
// Check that the function agrees, at some arbitrary input
// points, with known function values
|> floatx.is_close(1.0, 0.0, tol)
|> should.be_true()
|> floatx.is_close(1.648721, 0.0, tol)
|> should.be_true()
// An (overflow) error might occur when given an input
// value that will result in a too large output value
// e.g. floatx.exp(1000.0) but this is a property of the
// e.g. floatx.exponential(1000.0) but this is a property of the
// runtime.
@ -1076,3 +1076,8 @@ pub fn float_is_close_test() {
floatx.is_close(val, ref_val, rtol, atol)
|> should.be_true()
pub fn float_to_int_test() {
|> should.equal(12)