diff --git a/src/gleam_community/maths/arithmetics.gleam b/src/gleam_community/maths/arithmetics.gleam
index 9d1c018..acb0fd1 100644
--- a/src/gleam_community/maths/arithmetics.gleam
+++ b/src/gleam_community/maths/arithmetics.gleam
@@ -96,6 +96,56 @@ fn do_gcd(x: Int, y: Int) -> Int {
+/// The function calculates the Euclidian modulo of two numbers
+/// The Euclidian_modulo is the modulo that most often is used in maths
+/// rather than the normal truncating modulo operation that is used most
+/// often in programming through the % operator
+/// In contrast to the % operator this function will always return a positive
+/// result
+/// Like the gleam division operator / this will return 0 if one of the
+/// parameters are 0 as this is not defined in mathematics
+/// Example:
+/// import gleeunit/should
+/// import gleam_community/maths/arithmetics
+/// pub fn example() {
+/// arithmetics.euclidian_modulo(15, 4)
+/// |> should.equal(3)
+/// arithmetics.euclidian_modulo(-3, -2)
+/// |> should.equal(1)
+/// arithmetics.euclidian_modulo(5, 0)
+/// |> should.equal(0)
+/// }
+pub fn euclidian_modulo(x: Int, y: Int) -> Int {
+ case x % y, x, y {
+ _, 0, _ -> 0
+ _, _, 0 -> 0
+ md, _, _ if md < 0 -> md + int.absolute_value(y)
+ md, _, _ -> md
+ }