diff --git a/src/gleam_community/maths/list.gleam b/src/gleam_community/maths/list.gleam
index 40e7e75..c555b45 100644
--- a/src/gleam_community/maths/list.gleam
+++ b/src/gleam_community/maths/list.gleam
@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@
import gleam/list
import gleam/int
import gleam/float
+import gleam/set
+import gleam/io
-/// Generate a list containing all combinations of one element from each of two given lists.
+/// Generate a list containing all combinations of pairs of elements coming from two given lists.
/// Example:
@@ -165,6 +167,26 @@ pub fn permutation(arr: List(a)) -> List(a) {
-pub fn cartesian_product(xarr: List(a), yarr: List(a)) -> List(a) {
- todo
+pub fn cartesian_product(xarr: List(a), yarr: List(a)) -> List(#(a, a)) {
+ let xset: set.Set(a) =
+ xarr
+ |> set.from_list()
+ let yset: set.Set(a) =
+ yarr
+ |> set.from_list()
+ xset
+ |> set.fold(
+ set.new(),
+ fn(accumulator0: set.Set(#(a, a)), member0: a) -> set.Set(#(a, a)) {
+ set.fold(
+ yset,
+ accumulator0,
+ fn(accumulator1: set.Set(#(a, a)), member1: a) -> set.Set(#(a, a)) {
+ io.debug(#(member0, member1))
+ set.insert(accumulator1, #(member0, member1))
+ },
+ )
+ },
+ )
+ |> set.to_list()
diff --git a/test/gleam/gleam_community_maths_list_test.gleam b/test/gleam/gleam_community_maths_list_test.gleam
index 6ac7e9d..abd0b81 100644
--- a/test/gleam/gleam_community_maths_list_test.gleam
+++ b/test/gleam/gleam_community_maths_list_test.gleam
@@ -20,3 +20,29 @@ pub fn list_trim_test() {
|> listx.trim(1, 4)
|> should.equal(Ok([2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0]))
+pub fn list_cartesian_product_test() {
+ // An empty lists returns an empty list
+ []
+ |> listx.cartesian_product([])
+ |> should.equal([])
+ // Test with some arbitrary inputs
+ [1, 2, 3]
+ |> listx.cartesian_product([1, 2, 3])
+ |> should.equal([
+ #(1, 1),
+ #(1, 2),
+ #(1, 3),
+ #(2, 1),
+ #(2, 2),
+ #(2, 3),
+ #(3, 1),
+ #(3, 2),
+ #(3, 3),
+ ])
+ [1.0, 10.0]
+ |> listx.cartesian_product([1.0, 2.0])
+ |> should.equal([#(1.0, 1.0), #(1.0, 2.0), #(10.0, 1.0), #(10.0, 2.0)])