enough for today

This commit is contained in:
overflowerror 2014-04-18 00:17:43 +02:00
parent fe941d3d42
commit ac4c3d427d

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@ -138,21 +138,21 @@
push r10
in r10, sreg
push r10
push r11
push r16
in r16, sreg
push r16
push r17
push xl
push xh
; first we'll clear all scheduler memory cells
ldi r10, 0
ldi r11, low (scheduler_global_lastad)
ldi r16, 0
ldi r17, low (scheduler_global_lastad)
ldi xl, low (scheduler_global_active)
ldi xh, high(scheduler_global_active)
SchedulerInitLoop0: ; while(xl++ != r11)
st x+, r10
cp xl, r11
st x+, r16
cp xl, r17 ; we can do this, because we'll never go over the low-byte
brne SchedulerInitLoop0
; add main-thread
@ -160,7 +160,15 @@ SchedulerInit:
; start scheduler timer
; we will use timer0 because we don't use all posibilities of timer2
; some config
ldi r16, 0b000000010 ; CTC
out tccr0a, r16
ldi r16, 0b000000100 ; Prescaler 256
out tccr0b, r16
ldi r16, 0b000000011 ; compare a: 3 x 256 ticks between interrupts
out ocr0a r16
ldi r16, 0b000000010 ; compare a interrupt
pop xh
pop xl
@ -170,10 +178,47 @@ SchedulerInit:
pop r10
call SchedulerChangeThread
; if the number of running threads is 0:
; the ip of the new thread should be here:
; r9 -> low
; r10 -> high
; else: this routine will overwrite r9 & r10
push r16
push r17
ldd r16, scheduler_global_number
ldi r17, 0
cp r16, r17
brne SchedulerAddThreadAddThread
; we have to get the ip
pop r17
std (scheduler_global_unused + 0), r17
pop r17 ; r17 is former r16
pop r10 ; high-byte
pop r9 ; low-byte
push r9
push r10
push r17
ldd r17, (scheduler_global_unused + 0)
push r17
pop r17
pop r16