var BIOS = function() { } BIOS.logo = "\033[32m" + " .__ .__ \n" + "__ _ _|__| _____| |__ \n" + "\\ \\/ \\/ / |/ ___/ | \\ \n" + " \\ /| |\\___ \\| Y \\\n" + " \\/\\_/ |__/____ >___| /\n" + " \\/ \\/ \033[31mBIOS\033[0m\n"; BIOS.hdds; BIOS.lastKey; BIOS.tickid; BIOS.state; BIOS.bootDevice; BIOS.init = function() { console.log("BIOS: init"); BIOS.lastKey = 0; console.log("BIOS: register key interrupt"); Emulator.interrupts['key'] = BIOS.key; } BIOS.main = function() { console.log("BIOS: main"); console.log("BIOS: register 100ms-timer"); BIOS.tickid = Emulator.registerTimer(100, BIOS.tick); console.log("BIOS: get hdds"); BIOS.hdds = Emulator.Devices.getHarddisks(); var text = BIOS.logo + "\n" + "Keyboard: found at name=" + + "\n" + "Monitor: found at id=" + + "\n\n" + "Harddisks: \n"; for (var i = 0; i < BIOS.hdds.length; i++) { text += " " + i + ": "+ BIOS.hdds[i].name + "\n"; } Emulator.output(text); if (BIOS.hdds.length == 0) { Emulator.output("No harddisks found. Please insert a bootable device and restart the computer..\n\n"); Emulator.output("\033[31msystem halt\033[0m"); console.log("BIOS: remove all event handlers"); Emulator.interrupts = new Array(); Emulator.unregisterTimer(BIOS.tickid); return; } if (BIOS.hdds.length > 1) { Emulator.output("\nPlease select booting device by pressing the device nr. "); BIOS.state = 0; } else { BIOS.state = 1; } } BIOS.key = function(keycode) { BIOS.lastKey = keycode; } BIOS.tick = function() { switch(BIOS.state) { case 0: if (isNumber(KeyCodes.normalKey(BIOS.lastKey))) { if (BIOS.hdds[BIOS.bootDevice = parseInt(KeyCodes.normalKey(BIOS.lastKey))]) BIOS.state = 2; } break; case 1: BIOS.bootDevice = 0; BIOS.state = 2; break; case 2: Emulator.output("\n\nSearching for MBR on " + BIOS.hdds[BIOS.bootDevice].name + "...\n"); if (!(mbr = BIOS.hdds[BIOS.bootDevice].mbr)) { console.log(mbr); Emulator.output("No MBR found. Please insert a bootable device and restart the computer...\n\n"); Emulator.output("\033[31msystem halt\033[0m"); console.log("BIOS: remove all event handlers"); Emulator.interrupts = new Array(); Emulator.unregisterTimer(BIOS.tickid); } Emulator.Request.include(BIOS.hdds[BIOS.bootDevice].name + "/" + mbr + "/init.js", BIOS.load); BIOS.state = 3; break; default: break; } } BIOS.load = function() { console.log("BIOS: stop BIOS"); console.log("BIOS: remove all event handlers"); Emulator.interrupts = new Array(); Emulator.unregisterTimer(BIOS.tickid); console.log("BIOS: start MBR"); try { MBR.main(BIOS.hdds[BIOS.bootDevice]); } catch (exception) { console.dir(exception); Emulator.output("MBR is not bootable. Please insert a bootable device and restart the computer...\n\n"); Emulator.output("\033[31msystem halt\033[0m"); } }