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synced 2025-03-14 23:49:02 +00:00
371 lines
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Executable file
371 lines
10 KiB
Executable file
* global vars
var lengthOfStep = 10; // distance between edges; in graphical mode -> 40
var numberOfEdges = 10; // will be set in start dialog
var defTicksPerEdge = 33; // ticks for the drunken man to reach the next edge
var numberOfTicksPerSec = 33; // sets tickrate (= framerate)
var useTicksPerEdge = defTicksPerEdge; // for "even faster"
var misc; // contains the Miscellaneous instance
var graphics; // contains the Graphics instance
var menu; // contains the Menu instance
var path; // contains the path for the drunken man
var edge; // contains the active edge
var ticksPerEdge; // contains the number of ticks to reach the next edge
var tickNum; // contains the global number of ticks
var started; // true, if simulation is started
var paused; // true, if simulation end is reached
var checked; // contains the number of loaded includes
var neededChecked; // contains the number of includes
var dragEnabled; // true, if canvas element is clicked
var dragInit; // true, if initial position is not defined yet
var dragPosition; // contains the last mouse position
var tickedDragPosition; // contains activ mouse position
var tickId; // contains the interval id of the main ticker
var fasterId; // contains the interval if of the "even faster" ticker
var startpop; // contains the startup dialog
var simTime; // contains the simulation time
* setup routine
function setup () {
Debug.log("main", "setup routine started");
// some var init...
misc = new Miscellaneous();
checked = 0;
tickNum = 0;
started = false;
paused = false;
edge = 0;
ticksPerEdge = useTicksPerEdge;
dragEnabled = false;
dragInit = false;
fasterId = 0;
simTime = 0;
// includes for all modules
neededChecked = 7;
misc.include("scripts/libs/Graphics.js", check);
misc.include("scripts/libs/Position.js", check);
misc.include("scripts/objects/Path.js", check);
misc.include("scripts/objects/Menu.js", check);
misc.include("scripts/objects/Drunken.js", check);
misc.include("scripts/objects/Bar.js", check);
misc.include("scripts/objects/Popup.js", check);
* check routine for includes
function check() {
Debug.log("main", "load checked: " + ++checked + "/" + neededChecked);
// if all modules are loaded execute main routine
if (checked == neededChecked)
* main routine
function main() {
Debug.log("main", "main routine started");
// some other var init
graphics = new Graphics();
menu = new Menu();
path = new Path();
dragPosition = new Position();
tickedDragPosition = new Position();
// module init
// pointless, because there isn't a default image to draw ; )
// set all (most) events
// generate startup dialog
startpop = new Popup("Drunken Man Simulator");
startpop.text = "";
startpop.text += 'Options:<br />';
startpop.text += '<input type="checkbox" id="graphical"></input>use graphical mode<br />';
startpop.text += 'Please select a time: <br />';
startpop.text += '<select size="1" onchange="selectOption(this);"><option disabled selected>select simulation time</option>';
for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) startpop.text += '<option value="' + (i ? (i * 5) : 1) + '">' + (i ? (i * 5) : 1) + ' minute' + (i ? "s" : "") + '</option>';
startpop.text += '<option value="0">other</option>';
startpop.text += '</select><br />';
startpop.text += '<div style="display: none;" id="other"><input style="text-align: right;" type="text" value="20" id="val"></input><select size="1" id="siz"><option value="0">minutes</option><option value="1">edges</option></select><br /><input type="button" onclick="selectOther();" value="start simulation"></input></div>';
* sets all (most) events
function setEvents() {
window.onmousewheel = scroll;
window.onmousemove = drag;
document.getElementById("canvas").onmousedown = enableDrag;
window.onmouseup = disableDrag;
tickId = window.setInterval(tick, 1000 / numberOfTicksPerSec);
window.setInterval(infoUpdate, 100);
window.onresize = updateAllStyles;
* tick function for "even faster"
function fastTick() {
// if not started, than do nothing...
if (!started) return;
// if end not reached
if (edge != numberOfEdges) {
// calculate new Position and decrement current ticksPerEdge
graphics.drunken.position = graphics.drunken.getNextPosition(path.positions[edge], ticksPerEdge--);
// calculate rotation for graphical mode
graphics.drunken.rotation = graphics.drunken.getNextRotation(path.positions[edge]);
// if next edge is reached: increment edge number and reset ticksPerEdge
if (graphics.drunken.position.equals(path.positions[edge])) {
ticksPerEdge = useTicksPerEdge;
// calculate steps for animation
graphics.drunken.step = graphics.drunken.frames[parseInt((tickNum / (5)) % graphics.drunken.frames.length)];
// if end reached stop simulation
if (edge == numberOfEdges)
// increment tick counter
* normal tick function
function tick() {
// the same as fastTick
if (!started) return;
// if fast tick is disabled
if ((edge != numberOfEdges) && (!fasterId)) {
graphics.drunken.position = graphics.drunken.getNextPosition(path.positions[edge], ticksPerEdge--);
graphics.drunken.rotation = graphics.drunken.getNextRotation(path.positions[edge]);
if (graphics.drunken.position.equals(path.positions[edge])) {
ticksPerEdge = useTicksPerEdge;
graphics.drunken.step = graphics.drunken.frames[parseInt((tickNum / (5)) % graphics.drunken.frames.length)];
// drag routine for canvas element
if (!dragPosition.equals(tickedDragPosition)) {
if (!(dragInit)) {
var deltaX = dragPosition.x - tickedDragPosition.x;
var deltaY = dragPosition.y - tickedDragPosition.y;
// sets null position in graphics
graphics.null.x += deltaX;
graphics.null.y += deltaY;
} else {
dragInit = false;
tickedDragPosition.x = dragPosition.x;
tickedDragPosition.y = dragPosition.y;
// update graphics
// if end is reached than stop simulation
if (!paused && (edge == numberOfEdges))
if (!fasterId)
* scroll function
function scroll(e) {
e = e ? e : window.event;
var wheelData = e.detail ? e.detail : e.wheelDelta;
if (wheelData > 0)
// on positiv scroll zoom in
graphics.zoom *= 1.1;
// on negativ scroll zomm out
graphics.zoom /= 1.1;
* updates debug box
function infoUpdate() {
var text = "";
text += "drunken: x=" + graphics.drunken.position.x + " y=" + graphics.drunken.position.y + " rot=" + graphics.drunken.rotation + "<br />";
text += "bar: x=" + graphics.bar.position.x + " y=" + graphics.bar.position.y + " rot=" + graphics.bar.rotation + "<br />";
text += "edges: " + edge + "/" + numberOfEdges + "<br />";
document.getElementById("debugInfo").innerHTML = text;
* enables drag for canvas element
function enableDrag (e) {
dragEnabled = true;
dragInit = true;
document.getElementById("canvas").style.cursor = "move";
* disables drag for canvas element
function disableDrag () {
dragEnabled = false;
document.getElementById("canvas").style.cursor = "pointer";
* drag function
function drag (e) {
// check drag on all popups
// check drag for canvas element
if (!dragEnabled)
dragPosition.x = e.clientX;
dragPosition.y = e.clientY;
* select function for start popup
function selectOption (select, other) {
switch(other) {
case 1:
// numberOfEdges = select
Debug.log("main", (numberOfEdges = select) + " edges selected");
case 0:
var frames;
// frames = select * numberOfTicksPerSec * 60; numberOfEdges = round(frames / defTicksPerEdge)
// select in min
Debug.log("main", select + " minutes selected -> " + (frames = select * numberOfTicksPerSec * 60) + " frames -> " + (numberOfEdges = Math.round(frames / defTicksPerEdge)) + " edges");
simTime = frames / numberOfTicksPerSec;
// on other == undefined
var frames;
// if value == 0 -> display other block
if (select.value == 0) {
document.getElementById("other").style.display = "block";
// same as case 1, but select is object
// select.value in min
Debug.log("main", select.value + " minutes selected -> " + (frames = select.value * numberOfTicksPerSec * 60) + " frames -> " + (numberOfEdges = Math.round(frames / defTicksPerEdge)) + " edges");
simTime = frames / numberOfTicksPerSec;
// if graphical mode, then displayBar, displayDrunken, lengthOfStep = 40
if (document.getElementById("graphical").checked) {
lengthOfStep = 40;
graphics.displayBar = true;
graphics.displayDrunken = true;
document.getElementById("displayBar").checked = true;
document.getElementById("displayDrunken").checked = true;
// calculate new path
path = new Path();
path.calculate(0, 0, numberOfEdges - 1);
// close popup
// start simulation
started = true;
* for the "start simulation" button
function selectOther () {
selectOption(parseInt(document.getElementById("val").value), parseInt(document.getElementById("siz").value));
* on resize update all styles
function updateAllStyles () {
* is called when simulation end is reached
function stopSimulation() {
paused = true;
// reset all ticks
if (fasterId) {
fasterId = 0;
} else {
tickId = window.setInterval(tick, 1000 / numberOfTicksPerSec);
// yeah, what do you think?
* generate the popup for the end
function generateEndPopup () {
var endPop = new Popup("simulation report");
endPop.text = "";
// if simulation time is set -> display time & frames
if (simTime) {
endPop.text += "simulation time: " + simTime + "s<br />";
endPop.text += "frames: " + simTime * numberOfTicksPerSec + " (@ " + numberOfTicksPerSec + " fps)<br />";
endPop.text += "edges: " + numberOfEdges + "<br />";
endPop.text += "distance: " + Math.sqrt(graphics.drunken.position.x * graphics.drunken.position.x + graphics.drunken.position.y * graphics.drunken.position.y) + "<br />";
// calculated distance is the sqrt of time (einstein)
endPop.text += "calculated distance: " + Math.sqrt(path.positions.length);