# Description Diary is a little python program, written by me (**@benaryorg**). It is a web-application, to store your personal diary in an easy way! ## Development I currently do not have much time to develop this program, but I would like to use it by myself, so I will put most of my time in it. Please report bugs or tell me what features you would like to see soon. ## Branches There will be two branches. ### stable The stable version, where **all** bugfixes directly go to. ### testing The branch used for development. It will be mostly stable, but there will be some things like a logout button on the login page. You should use this one, if you want functionality! Use it with `git checkout testing`! ## Concept It's concept is easy. You have a database where everything is stored. There you have a table `users` with all your users and passwords (hashed). The table `diaries` is to store your different diaries, for example you could have one diary for writing about school, one for writing about yourself, one for your boy/girlfriend and so on. Here is also stored, if the diary is **public** (blog-like), **private** (for yourself) or **protected** (only chosen poeple have access). The table `entries` stores your diary entries. ## Technical Details Diary is written in _python2.7_ and is using _flask_, _bcrypt_ and _sqlalchemy_! # Contribution This project is on **GitHub**! Just send a pull request! # License This program uses the **WTFPL** (Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License)! See the `LICENSE` file! I would appreciate it, if you would leave my name somewhere in the HTML-templates.