# CFloor ## A minimal event-based webserver written in C The title already says everything. ## What does "event-based" mean? The more traditional approach is to fork for every new connection. That yields the advantage of having complete seperation of the connections as well as a much simpler program structure. A big disadvantage is that the server is more susceptible for things like Slow-Lorris attacks. Also the resource consumption is higher. This webserver handles all connection (for a given bind) in the same thread. All sockets are set as non-blocking and asynchronous meaning that new data on a socket creates a SIGIO signal that causes the data handler to check every active connection for new data. If the HTTP header for a connection is complete the handler for the site is started in a new thread. The consequence is a very slim memory footprint. ## Feature-Set - The server can bind to multible addresses at once. - It can be compiled with full SSL support (OpenSSL) on a per-bind basis. - Virtual host ("site") support including hostname wildcards - Basic file handling with optional indexes - CGI/1.1 support - Dynamic logging (+ additional access log) - All settings can be specified via a config file. Features yet to implement: - Keep-Alive - Full SSL-certificate-chain - Dynamic mods (handlers, ...) ## Modability I designed the webserver to be as flexible as possible. If the config module is not in use every aspect of the server can be controlled in a fine-grained manner. New handlers can be added using the `handlerGetter_t` type. ## Config File Format ``` CONFIG := { CONFIG_ITEM SP } CONFIG_ITEM := BIND_CONFIG | LOGGING_CONFIG BIND_CONFIG := "bind" SP BIND_ADDR SP "{" SP { BIND_ITEM SP } "}" BIND_ADDR := BIND_IP ":" PORT_NO BIND_IP := "*" | IP4_ADDR | IP6_ADDR BIND_ITEM := SSL_CONFIG | SITE_CONFIG SSL_CONFIG := "ssl" SP "{" SP { SSL_ITEM SP } "}" SSL_ITEM := SSL_KEY | SSL_CERT SSL_KEY := "key" SP "=" SP FILENAME SSL_CERT := "cert" SP "=" SP FILENAME SITE_CONFIG := "site" SP "{" SP { SITE_ITEM SP } "}" SITE_ITEM := SITE_HOSTNAME | SITE_ROOT | HANDLER_CONFIG SITE_HOSTNAME := HOSTNAME_KEY SP "=" SP HOSTNAME HOSTNAME_KEY := "hostname" | "alias" SITE_ROOT := "root" SP "=" SP FILENAME HANDLER_CONFIG := "handler" SP FILENAME SP "{" SP { HANDLER_ITEM SP } "}" HANDLER_ITEM := HANDLER_TYPE | HANDLER_SETTINGS HANDLER_TYPE := "type" SP "=" SP HANDLER_TYPE_H HANDLER_SETTINGS := HANDLER_INDEX LOGGING_CONFIG := "logging" SP "{" SP { LOGGING_ITEM SP } "}" LOGGING_ITEM := LOGGING_ACCESS | LOGGING_SERVER | LOGGING_VERBOSE LOGGING_ACCESS := "access" SP "=" SP FILENAME LOGGING_SERVER := "server" SP "=" SP FILENAME LOGGING_VERBOSE := "verbosity" SP "=" SP VERBOSITY HANDLER_TYPE_H := "file" | "cgi" HANDLER_INDEX := "index" SP "=" SP FILENAME VERBOSITY := "debug" | "info" | "warn" | "error" SP := SPH [ SPH ] SPH := "\n" | "\t" | " " IP4_ADDR ... IPv4 address IP6_ADDR ... IPv6 address PORT_NO ... TCP port number FILENAME ... a filename HOSTNAME ... fully-qualified domain name ```