added tests for persistent connections

This commit is contained in:
overflowerror 2021-05-20 00:37:32 +02:00
parent 8cfd788867
commit b124b4ab78

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@ -545,7 +545,7 @@ void testHandler1(struct request request, struct response response) {
void testIntegration() {
void testPersistence() {
struct headers headers;
char* tmp;
int status;
@ -553,15 +553,16 @@ void testIntegration() {
// this is a HTTP/1.0 connection
// we have not specified that this is a persistent connection
// we expect to get informed about that (not strictly standard but good manners)
printf("testing HTTP/1.0 connection without Connection header...\n\n");
stream = sendRequest(NULL, HTTP10, GET, "/", headers_create());
status = readStatus(stream, NULL);
checkInt(status, 200, "status code okay");
headers = readHeaders(stream);
// this is a HTTP/1.0 connection
// we have not specified that this is a persistent connection
// we expect to get informed about that (not strictly standard but good manners)
tmp = (char*) headers_get(&headers, "Connection");
checkNull(tmp, "Connection header present");
checkString(tmp, "close", "Connection header ok");
@ -573,6 +574,109 @@ void testIntegration() {
// this is a HTTP/1.0 connection
// we set the Connection header to keep-alive
printf("testing HTTP/1.0 connection with Connection header...\n\n");
headers = headers_create();
headers_mod(&headers, "Connection", "keep-alive");
stream = sendRequest(NULL, HTTP10, GET, "/", headers);
status = readStatus(stream, NULL);
checkInt(status, 200, "status code okay");
headers = readHeaders(stream);
tmp = (char*) headers_get(&headers, "Connection");
checkNull(tmp, "Connection header present");
checkString(tmp, "keep-alive", "Connection header ok");
tmp = (char*) headers_get(&headers, "Content-Length");
checkNull(tmp, "Content-Length header present");
checkString(tmp, "0", "Content-Length header ok");
// this is a HTTP/1.1 connection
// we haven't specified that this connection is persistent
// the server is expected to keep the connection alive
printf("testing HTTP/1.1 connection without Connection header...\n\n");
stream = sendRequest(NULL, HTTP11, GET, "/", headers_create());
status = readStatus(stream, NULL);
checkInt(status, 200, "status code okay");
headers = readHeaders(stream);
tmp = (char*) headers_get(&headers, "Connection");
checkNull(tmp, "Connection header present");
checkString(tmp, "keep-alive", "Connection header ok");
tmp = (char*) headers_get(&headers, "Content-Length");
checkNull(tmp, "Content-Length header present");
checkString(tmp, "0", "Content-Length header ok");
// this is a HTTP/1.1 connection
// we set the connection header to close
// the server is expected to reply with connection close
printf("testing HTTP/1.1 connection with Connection header...\n\n");
headers = headers_create();
headers_mod(&headers, "Connection", "close");
stream = sendRequest(NULL, HTTP11, GET, "/", headers);
status = readStatus(stream, NULL);
checkInt(status, 200, "status code okay");
headers = readHeaders(stream);
tmp = (char*) headers_get(&headers, "Connection");
checkNull(tmp, "Connection header present");
checkString(tmp, "close", "Connection header ok");
tmp = (char*) headers_get(&headers, "Content-Length");
checkNull(tmp, "Content-Length header present");
checkString(tmp, "0", "Content-Length header ok");
// this is a HTTP/1.1 connection
// let's try sending multiple requests in the same connection
printf("testing HTTP/1.1 connection with multiple requests...\n\n");
stream = sendRequest(NULL, HTTP11, GET, "/", headers_create());
status = readStatus(stream, NULL);
checkInt(status, 200, "status code okay");
headers = readHeaders(stream);
tmp = (char*) headers_get(&headers, "Connection");
checkNull(tmp, "Connection header present");
checkString(tmp, "keep-alive", "Connection header ok");
tmp = (char*) headers_get(&headers, "Content-Length");
checkNull(tmp, "Content-Length header present");
checkString(tmp, "0", "Content-Length header ok");
printf("testing second request...\n");
stream = sendRequest(stream, HTTP11, GET, "/", headers_create());
status = readStatus(stream, NULL);
checkInt(status, 200, "status code okay");
headers = readHeaders(stream);
tmp = (char*) headers_get(&headers, "Connection");
checkNull(tmp, "Connection header present");
checkString(tmp, "keep-alive", "Connection header ok");
tmp = (char*) headers_get(&headers, "Content-Length");
checkNull(tmp, "Content-Length header present");
checkString(tmp, "0", "Content-Length header ok");
@ -587,16 +691,28 @@ void test(const char* name, void (*testFunction)()) {
global = true;
void header(const char* text) {
printf("== %s\n", text);
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
header("Unit Tests");
test("config", &testConfig);
test("util", &testUtil);
test("linked lists", &testLinkedList);
test("signals", &testTimers);
test("headers", &testHeaders);
test("logging", &testLogging);
test("integration", &testIntegration);
header("Integeration Tests");
test("persistent connections", &testPersistence);
printf("\nOverall: %s\n", overall ? "OK" : "FAILED");