better tests for linked lists

This commit is contained in:
overflowerror 2019-03-03 11:35:58 +01:00
parent 2081c88a98
commit 08743ef960
4 changed files with 84 additions and 23 deletions

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@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ all: $(BIN_NAME)
test: obj/test.o obj/networking.o obj/linked.o
$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $^
valgrind: test
valgrind --leak-check=yes ./test
obj/test.o: src/networking.h
obj/networking.o: src/networking.h src/headers.h

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@ -12,12 +12,12 @@ linkedList_t linked_create() {
return list;
size_t linked_push(linkedList_t* list, void* data) {
size_t linked_push(linkedList_t* list, const void* data) {
link_t* new = malloc(sizeof (link_t));
if (new == NULL)
return -1;
new->data = data;
new->data = (void*) data;
sem_init(&(new->modify_sem), 0, 1);
new->inUse = 0;
new->list = list;

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@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ typedef struct link {
} link_t;
linkedList_t linked_create();
size_t linked_push(linkedList_t* list, void* data);
size_t linked_push(linkedList_t* list, const void* data);
link_t* linked_first(linkedList_t* list);
link_t* linked_next(link_t* link);
size_t linked_length(linkedList_t* list);

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@ -1,39 +1,87 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "networking.h"
#include "linked.h"
handler_t handlerGetter(struct metaData metaData, const char* host) {
return NULL;
bool global = true;
void checkBool(bool ok, const char* check) {
const char* result;
if (ok) {
result = "[ OK ]";
} else {
result = "[FAILED]";
global = false;
printf("%s:%*s%s\n", check, (int) (30 - strlen(check)), "", result);
void checkInt(int value, int compare, const char* check) {
checkBool(value == compare, check);
void checkString(const char* value, const char* compare, const char* check) {
checkBool(strcmp(value, compare) == 0, check);
void checkVoid(const void* value, const void* compare, const char* check) {
checkBool(value == compare, check);
void checkNull(void* value, const char* check) {
checkBool(value != NULL, check);
void testLinkedList() {
linkedList_t list = linked_create();
linked_push(&list, "Entry 0");
linked_push(&list, "Entry 1");
linked_push(&list, "Entry 2");
linked_push(&list, "Entry 3");
const char* testString = "Test";
link_t* current = linked_first(&list);
while(current != NULL) {
printf("%s\n", (char*) current->data);
current = linked_next(current);
checkInt(linked_length(&list), 0, "empty list length");
checkInt(linked_push(&list, testString), 0, "insert position");
checkInt(linked_length(&list), 1, "list length");
link_t* link = linked_get(&list, 0);
checkNull(link, "get not null");
checkVoid(link->data, testString, "test string value");
checkInt(link->inUse, 1, "inUse counter value");
checkInt(link->inUse, 0, "inUse counter value");
current = linked_get(&list, 2);
printf("%s\n", (char*) current->data);
checkInt(linked_push(&list, (void*) 1), 1, "insert position");
checkInt(linked_push(&list, (void*) 2), 2, "insert position");
checkInt(linked_push(&list, (void*) 3), 3, "insert position");
checkInt(linked_length(&list), 4, "list length");
current = linked_first(&list);
while(current != NULL) {
printf("%s\n", (char*) current->data);
current = linked_next(current);
link = linked_first(&list);
checkInt(linked_unlink(link), 0, "unlink first result");
checkInt(linked_length(&list), 3, "link length");
link = linked_first(&list);
checkNull(link, "get not null");
checkInt((long) link->data, 1, "get value");
link = linked_next(link);
checkNull(link, "get not null");
checkInt((long) link->data, 2, "get value");
checkInt(linked_unlink(link), 0, "unlink not first result");
link = linked_next(link);
checkNull(link, "get not null");
checkInt((long) link->data, 3, "get value");
checkInt(linked_length(&list), 2, "list length");
handler_t handlerGetter(struct metaData metaData, const char* host) {
return NULL;
void testNetworking() {
initNetworking((struct networkingConfig) {
.connectionTimeout = 30000,
@ -45,5 +93,16 @@ void testNetworking() {
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
bool overall = true;
printf("linked lists\n");
if (!global)
overall = false;
printf("linked lists: %s\n\n", global ? "OK" : "FAILED");
global = true;
printf("\nOverall: %s\n", overall ? "OK" : "FAILED");