#!/bin/bash echo "Welcome to the Anineko install/update-script." if test $(id -u) != 0; then echo "Error: Not permitted. You need to be root in order to execute this script." exit 2 fi check() { text=" $1..." echo -n $text for i in $(seq ${#text} 20); do echo -n " " done which $1 2>&1 > /dev/null if test $? = 0; then echo -e "[ \033[32mpass\033[0m ]" return 0 else echo -e "[ \033[31mfail\033[0m ]" echo "Please resolve dependency problemes and retry." exit 3 fi } echo echo "Checking dependencies..." check wget check grep check egrep check sed check awk check md5sum echo echo "The latest version of Anineko will now be downloaded to /usr/bin/." echo "Press [enter] to continue. Press [ctrl] + C to abort." read wget -O /usr/bin/anineko "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/overflowerror/Anineko/master/anineko" --progress=bar:force 2>&1 | tail -f -n +12 echo echo "Download complete. Have fun with Anineko. :3" exit 0